Join us for an authors talk with law professors India Thusi of Indiana University and Valena Beety of Arizona State University.
Event Schedule
5:30: Doors Open
6:00 pm: Authors India Thusi and Valena Beety will give a brief introduction and read excerpts from their books, Policing Bodies: Law, Sex Work, and Desire in Johannesburg and Manifesting Justice: Wrongly Convicted Women Reclaim Their Rights*
7:00 pm: Audience Q&A
7:30 – 7:45 pm: Book Signing
*Morgenstern Books will have copies of both books available for purchase at the event.
About the Speakers
I. India Thusi is Professor of Law at the Maurer School of Law and Senior Scientist at the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University. She has worked with the ACLU, Human Rights Watch, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and The Opportunity Agenda. Her book, Policing Bodies Law, Sex Work, and Desire in Johannesburg is an in-depth, historically informed ethnography illustrating the tension between enforcing a country’s laws and protecting citizens’ human rights.
Valena Elizabeth Beety is Professor of Law at Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law and the Deputy Director of the Academy for Justice, a criminal justice center connecting research with policy reform. Her book, Manifesting Justice: Wrongly Convicted Women Reclaim Their Rights, examines the failures in America’s criminal legal system and the reforms necessary to eliminate wrongful convictions—particularly with regards to women, the queer community, and people of color.
This event is presented by the IU Arts & Humanities Council, the Center for Rural Engagement and co-sponsored by the Kinsey Institute and the Maurer School of Law at Indiana University.